“Balsam Bashing”. The Himalayan Balsam was first introduced into the UK in 1839 and is now classified as a Non-Native Invasive Species. It can infest riverbanks and grow beyond head height; it swiftly kills off native plants as it shoots early and removes light. It produces clusters of purplish pink helmet shaped flowers followed by seed pods that can shoot seeds 7m (22 feet) when they explosively open. Seeds remain viable for 2 years
Importantly, its on our River Bank. There are a number of ways to control this plant and our preference is for the Non-Chemical approach – for obvious reasons. The plant can be pulled out with its roots or cut.
Our Work Parties make a great effort to remove as much Balsam as they can but we need the help of every member to combat this menace.
So to help can you please do the following:
Every time you go fishing or walk the River Walk target the Balsam and pull out as many plants as you can when you take a break. Leave them in a pile to rot as they are often found in clusters. THANK YOU!!!
Image credit: Native Landscapes
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