We enjoyed a River Walk on Sun 30th April with many new members and some not-so new. It was a pleasure to meet them and introduce our River. My thanks to everyone involved who supported this.
For those of you who regularly access the Website you will see that the Minutes of our AGM have been published in the secure Members Area – do have a look – they make interesting reading and you will see that other actions now need to be addressed.
2017 continues as our Year of the Volunteer and whilst we have had volunteers to take up certain posts and activity we are still looking for others: one to help lead some of our Monthly Work Parties, others to support the River Manager activity and help with river walks to identify any challenges we face in managing and maintaining the river. We are also looking for volunteers to help with our Monitoring work. If you are interested in any of these then please contact us via the Website.
Our development continues at pace and all of the Management Group are grateful for your support: Thank you.
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