We as members of Berkeley Estate Fishing Syndicate could not be luckier in what we have. We are able to fish some 7km of wonderful river that fisherman that fish our style of river can only dream about. We have many members that are very passionate in the river from the fishing, work, walking, the wildlife or just enjoying what we have. The last 12 months have seen a river in all its forms, from flood to almost dry, but that is the life of a river in the 21-century.
Many of the members that were here at the start of the BEFS will tell you that the river was very much higher and the flow was faster and us newer members can understand this. However with the climate changes and the need for water in other areas we have seen the river drop in height over the last 10 years. We have tried to find out why this is happening, but it is hard to put your finger on just one reason. However what we do know is that we have a river that is flowing, it have some wonderful fish in it and can be fished all year round. We should be thankful.
Over the last 12 months we have seen the river in many states of flow. There has been every state from floods and almost drought, but the river flows on. We have been told that the river is in a healthy state and this is borne out by the testing members do as part of the River-Fly Partnership. This year there has been a better response from members with Catch Returns and from these it can be seen that the river is well stocked with fish.
The members have worked hard along the river with around 48% of the members attending the 11 work parties we had over the year. Working on the river is very important and just as important as fishing the river. The work the members have done has given the fish all that they need, somewhere to Feed, somewhere to Hide and somewhere to Breed, this can only be good for all.
As always with anything there are problems and yes there are some problems along the bank. There have been a few trees down in the river and some bank erosion, but when you are looking after a living environment this is expected. The syndicates view is that the river should be treated in a sympathetic way and does what is needed to maintain the flow of the river. This has proven to be a good approach and is shown in the feedback we have received for many different sources.
An offshoot from this is that there had been an increase in wildlife. The Kingfishers have grown in numbers and this year we saw young kingfishers on the river. The bird life in general is better and many species can be seen. You may know that there is an otter on the river; well this year there have been two as we saw a young otter. When you look at the river you really can see wildlife everywhere and this is surely a sight that the river is healthy.
Many local people know of BEFS and have over the year given the syndicate good feedback. What we do can only happen because of the support of the Berkeley Estate, the non-fishers that use the footpaths and of cause you the members.
So what is the way ahead? We will continue to look after the river for the good and benefit of the fisherman in the first instance. After this we will do what ever is needed to maintain the river. A new venture that we are going into is the care of the Free Section. This is not for our benefit, but for other fisherman that wish to fish this wonderful river in some way.
This year has been good along the river and we are sure the year ahead will be just as good.
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